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Monday, May 24, 2010 Y 7:22 AM

yeah. im back. (:
today school was boring like hell. :S
morning got assembly talk. sec 2/1, 2/2, 2/3 sit at the top.
bloody damn hot lah. knn.
then all red cross people kena called out to do duty. --"
miss wong assigned me with anjana and benjamin then i was like wth?!
nevermind. we go there not do duty, is feed mosquito! wtf lah. knn.
road relay for lower sec and upper sec, all end at 11am.
went back to class, nothing to do so i sleep lor. hahas.
then mr low came in to tell us things about holidays homework, boring.
then art, even boring. i down there emo cause not feeling well.
art need to choose group then.............nevermind, dont want to say.
after school, goodbye hug with alphonsine. HAHA. i love her okays, she rocks my world. (: teehee.
went to study area to find joanna. waited for jane and qianyi then to lot 1 for lunch together.
i ate halfway then dont feel like eating liao, qianyi helped me finish. thanks^^
after that they went to library while i went home cause i need to reach home everyday by 3pm.
PATHETIC. zzz...nevermind.
reach home at 3pm, punctual righttt?
used comp immediately. HAHA. shiok. now no one online.
2 guys entertaining me by smsing me now. haha.
augustine and derrick. LOL.
later dinner going ichiban eat cause celebrating daddy's birthday. woohoo! :D

this few days i got kinda weird feeling towards him sia. why? what's the meaning?? aiyo. nevermind. now must concentrate on my studies first. :D

Friday, May 14, 2010 Y 3:19 PM

heyheyhey! (:
woke up at 10 plusplus then prepared. head to winnie's house. alphonsine there. woots! hahahs. lol, i know i am retarded. suddenly sherlyn sms me tell me cancel then i was like wth? i came all the way here then cancel. jokes. nevermind. alphonsine wanted to go ion but i cant go. too bad. sorry har. alphonsine is engrossed in watching "hi, my sweetheart" LOL. i bored, nothing to do so suggested to go to derrick's house. hahas. retard. went there for like 10 minutes then went back to winnie's house liao. LOL.
went back then alphonsine continue watching her " hi, my sweetheart" again. zzz... suddenly rain. then me and winnie wait till almost fall asleep. so i told winnie loads of things. she told me something which is damn unbelievable. but nevermind. i damn confuse lor, dont know which one. both of them ask me choose HIM cause he better, LOL. idk. hais. CONFUSE!!!!!! zzz...
at around 3pm? we went to lot 1 for lunch. bought phone strap. hahas. LOL. went walking around then left them cause i going play bb with ben da jie. took 300 there. played from 5.30 till 6.30. hahas. so long never play sports liao. went to seven-eleven to slurp. her treat, hahas. went to sunshine place to buy her sister's dinner then head to panjang for dinner.
her house never cook so i accompany her for dinner, after that she accompany me go see doctor. thanks ^^ having cough and sore throat so tomorrow no need go NDP training. >< good righttt? LOL. then went to interchange. all vraang vraang except her. hahas. actually want accompany her wait but she dont want. lol.
reach home call her. then talk awhile hang. she reach home call me. hahas talk till mum come home then hang. now no one on plurk. sian. so come blogging. LOL. tomorrow going derrick's house-warming. kena forced by winnie to go. -.-"

Thursday, May 13, 2010 Y 12:04 PM

yeah, back.
before paper, i in class keep shouting : you think i like you but the fact is i dont like you at all. hahas. so damn funny.
today last paper - dnt. paper quite easy. hahas i think i can pass dnt theory bahs... hope so. after paper got SC meeting. went with reyna they all. lols. end at 9.38am. then went to canteen to look for alphonsine and reyna. in bus i keep guai lan zhiyang. hahas. show renjie a note but too bad he never finish reading. xP went to KAP with renjie, alphonsine, winnie and zhiyang. hahas. so damn fun lors. LOL. order macs then renjie dont know how to say the meal that i order so he just say "same as her" hahahahahah. stupid. such an easy meal also dont know how to order. hehe. let him see this sentence i sure die.
then eat hahas. with them sure fun de lors, if you are sad. muahahas. i left at 10.38am cause meeting jane. reached school at 10.56am then saw mr taufik. he talked to me. LOL. then went to hazel park condo find wei jian they all. left at around 12 plus? not sure. wanted to go west mall find joanna but they wactching movie so never go liao. went to lot 1 instead. ate mos burger. keep laughing like crazy. LOL. my uniform is full of her saliva lah. eee... disgusting.
went home. on the way home, jane call me go play bb. i say okay but in the end didnt go cause very tired. something is going on that makes me cry, LOL. slept till 6.30pm then jane call me. talked then hang. went for dinner. currently talking to her now. hahas.
tomorrow need to go sherlyn's house to do project. maybe heading to winnie's house after that. hehe. saturday derricks's house warming. LOL. just random.
i just miss you alrights. whenever i see you, i will feel uneasy. but to other guys i wont.

Saturday, May 8, 2010 Y 4:00 PM

woke up at 6.15am today. couldnt sleep. dont know why. lols. then morning smsed jane and joanna. hahah. prepare then went out at 9am. meet joanna then went to interchange to wait for jane. went to mac and had breakfast. when we finishing soon that time then jiahui reach. lols.
proceed to library. havent open yet so went to popular first. back to library. joke loads. damn loads of funny things happened luhs but lazy type out. at 2.30pm joanna went to church. at 3pm, i went off also cause going out to celebrate my cousin's birthday.
headed to bugis. traffic jam at expressway -.-" reached at around 5pm? not sure. went for teabreak while waiting for my aunt. went to kbox. yeah(: hahah. sing sang sung. hehe(: went to meet aunt at 7.30pm then head for dinner. steamboat. hahah.
9.30pm, headed to mrt station to go home. actually go watch midnight movie de but then we too tired liao... ): lols. reach home at 11 plusplus. went to bathe then now posting. (:
hais. i got this kinda feeling sia. nowadays when she sms me i dont feel like replying. also dont know why. sianzzz...
should i do my art not? idk also.

Friday, May 7, 2010 Y 4:52 AM

hello. afternoon. lol.
i'm bored. that's why came to post blog. hahah.
today had history paper. i totally dont know how to do luhs. sad): yesterday i studied till 2am then sleep then to sleep. woke up at 5am with jane to revise again. but sadly nothing goes into my brain luh.): at 6am went to prepare. head to school. reached at 6.20am. slept at detention area.
wait till alphonsine they all come liao then i go study history again with marcus and reyna. went to bb court.
after school went to KAP with alphonsine and winnie. we studied geo and eat. a while went home. jane asked me go her home but i cant. now outside with friends. XD haah.


went to lot one to eat with alphonsine and winnie! (: hahah.
saw bernice and her friends. then meet jane and joanna at 3pm. so-called "pang-seh" them. sorry ahs... ps... ):
very fun with them sia. hahah. thanks for making me laugh like mad woman today. and hyper and happy. really thanks huh. told them all my things. hais. we keep playing at laughing at kfc. lols. went home at 4.36pm. reached home on the dot 5pm. lucky xP hahah.
chat online with qianyi, joanna, jane and jiahui.
currently talking to sherlyn on phone.
tomorrow going panjang with jane, joanna and jiahui to study. lololol.
go plurk le.

Thursday, May 6, 2010 Y 10:54 AM

teehee(: i'm back.
exams now so cant use com often. sadded. ): today had science exam. section b is the easiest, to me. section c give me hell man. i do till i cried. -.-" periodic table that page got 1 drop of my tears. hahah.
after that slack in canteen with alphonsine, winnie and brightman. saw "pretty", she keep staring at me siol. eee... i hate her man. xP then headed to bukit timah plaza with alphonsine, winnie and brightman. reached there, the shop not open yet so we stoned down there for like 15mins?
then ate 'just bite'. saw wenyao, renjie and sayyid. (: lols. me and winnie keep pinching brightman's cheek. hahah, so soft xP. bought bubble tea then i went back to school alone as i meeting jane and joanna. the weather bloody hot sia. they studied physics and i studied history.
mdm lye wants me to pass history then she came spot check me to make sure i got study. lame lah. -.-" we talk laugh and joke. hahah. then went to delight house to look for phoenix, lols.
studied till 3pm go home. joanna went home while me and jane went to panjang.
ate kopitiam then went to buy bubble tea. hahah. slack slack and walk around. till 5pm, went to interchange. jane's bus come le then i went home.
reached home jiu use com to do history e-learning. went to plurk and facebook. currently talking to jane on phone. lols.
history exam tomorrrow. confirm fail. no matter how much i study, nothing goes into my brain. why am i so useless?! so incorrigible?!

Saturday, March 27, 2010 Y 3:52 PM

26 MARCH 2010

school as usual then i found out something suspicious from my friends but just don't know what's happening... LOL! After school went to art room with humans to clear some misunderstanding... hahah... then went to toilet with REYNA and WINNIE. All the things they do all very suspicious de lors... LOL! nvm... Went to canteen then saw SHERLYN, YUHMEEI and JOANNA EVANGELINE. saw mum and some other friends. Then i found out that it was my birthday celebration. Okay, i admit i'm dumb... hahah... At first i was very sad cause JANE and QIANYI not there, then i not happy... hahah. asked Joanna where they are then she told me they kena pump by Miss Wong... i heard that then i damn pissed off, super pissed off! Went to find them then go canteen together. had fun, of course(: hahah. then went out...
Thanks everyone especially those names in bold *sorry if i missed out your names*...(:


Woke up early in the morning. Prepared then went for NDP training. Daddy drove me there...(: thanks! reached at 7.25am. SO EARLY UH! hahahs... Found out that natasha and jingxuan not coming then i jitao sian already... When in to change then i look super super weird with the beret. Today's training quite tiring but fun luhhs. hahah... kor promised to buy me winnie the pooh for my birthday present.. hahah... Then went home, took a nap then woke up at 6pm. Prepared then head down to panjang interchange to meet Jane cause we going support our friends for the Earth Day thingy lah... Went to KFC to wait for Qianyi. Thereafter went to garden plaza. Everything ended at around 9.20pm then slack at there with Jane. At 10pm she went to look for Qianyi they all while i solo, no friends find friends... Loiter around bpp then headed to interchange with Winnie Reyna and Alphonsine. Walk to coffee shop for supperthen went home and now here posting.
tomorrow is cousin's birthday!

Wednesday, March 17, 2010 Y 12:42 PM


Morning woke up at 10 plus then wash up and head to Sherlyn's house as i forgotten to take my thumbdrive home yesterday. --" Reached at 12.15pm, fast yeah? haha cause i took cab down... We ordered MAC. Slack and watch her play maple while i sms Jane... Then her brother came home, so can't use le, went to her room then at 1.15pm, the MAC delivery reached, went to take then went back to Sherlyn's room to eat... We keep talking about some things cause we were really unsure about it... Hais.. Finish then slack on her bed, talk talk talk. At 3.30pm, cab home...:D

Reached home slack then bathe then dinner... At 6.30pm, bused down to Jane's house cause need her help for the training plan... Haha... Stayed till like 10pm then went home. Wanted to cab home but then heart pain cause money keep flying to the taxi driver nowadays... Haha, so decided to bused home. Reached home at 10.30pm... In the bus, saw a pervert guy... OMG, he look damn disgusting and retarded las... Don't talk about him liao... Reached home, wash up then watch teevee, soon fall asleep... Haha, that's how i spent my day yesterday...


Today woke up at 7am... Zzz... Slacked in bed till 7.30am then went to wash up... Bused down to school. Meet Yuhmeei at bus-stop then walk in... Saw damn lots of people... Haha... So Sian... Go find Miss Wong but she not around, so find Mrs Tan. But she not in too... No choice, find Mr Lee then asked him help me take the attendance book and key... zzz....

Start training, total the whole squad kena 50 push-ups sia... Then my hands nearly broke... It was too painful... AHHHHHHH!!!!!! Haha... The same usual old stuffs.... Everything ends at 12.30pm. After that went to staff room to look for Miss Wong then wait till like 1pm... zzz... Cab down to Sherlyn's house then to Lot 1 to meet the others... Watch "Alice In Wonderland 3D" The show was AWESOME! ahahah... Movie end, Sherlyn, Yuhmeei and Winnie MIA... nvm... Wen to MAC to slack with Reyna, her brother and cousin and brandon, marcus, zhiyang... Thereafter, went to arcade to play... DAYTONA! haha... The guys wanted to take neoprints but all of us no more money liao so nvm...

Went to Basement. Bought bubble tea... Tried new flavour, quite nice... but i still prefer my usual 1... haha LOL. Then slack outside MAC, a while the guys leave liao then Jane reach, accompany her go buy bubble tea then went back. A while Jane leave liao, then i leave also cause its already 7pm... So late le, haha... reached home at 7.30pm, used comp for a while then wne t to dinner then now back again... Blogging:) My comp sot sot already, sometimes got internet connection then sometimes don't have... Wa sian, tomorrow got modular workshop from 9 to 5pm... zzz.... Can't sleep later again...:(

Sunday, March 14, 2010 Y 3:41 AM


Woke up at 6.44am today, then i was shocked cause supposed to reach Causeway Point at 7.30am, so chiong. Cab down to Causeway Point. A lot of things happened inside the cab... Told the uncle go Woodlands Interchange then he go Woodlands Checkpoint. Wasted my money... Reached at 7.46am. Natasha haven't reach yet, couldn't reach Jingxuan then was like wondering around... Finally found them then went to toilet for them to change into full uniform while I change into mufti... Bused to Woodgrove Sec School, reach at 8.45am, ya then saw Alvin, 4 of us scared of him sia.... Went for briefing...

At 9.30am sharp, NDP selection starts. Odd numbers 1 group, even numbers 1 group. Total got 3 rounds of selection. The training was okayokay la, not very tough... Haha... The 4 of us all get selected...^^ but i got a bit sad and a bit happy, don't know la, mixed feelings back again... Hais... Everything ended at around 12.30pm... Head to Causeway Point to change then went to BreadTalk to buy something to eat... Then Natasha me and Syamsiah took 963. home while Jingxuan took a bus that reach Malaysia Checkpoint de. Haha... I forgot the bus number le... SSTM!

Reached home no one at home then i very happy cause can use comp all i want but then the internet connection got problem... Fuck It, haha... Then i super pissed off, nvm... went to slack slack cause very tired! :S Sms Jane then fall asleep till like 7plus...? Then went to bathe... used comp but still cannot... Then slack in bed till 10pm, mum came home... At 11pm, watched ghost show called (RE-CYCLE). Damn scary la, the front part then the middle part is the woman in hell, not so scary le... The ending damn touching and nice lor.... My mum say she watch before liao... Slept at 1.30am...


Woke up at 10plus - wash up - breakfast... Now here posting... I am feeling so bored...:( Plurk too(: me xiaoting and diane are spamming each others plurk. Hahah... I want watch movie... Anyone can go out? Wednesday got class gathering, going to watch Alice In Wonderland....

Friday, March 12, 2010 Y 10:03 AM

YOYOYO, carin is back! finally. sec 2's so stress. workload so much. i feel like giving up on my studies but i know i can't. Guess what? i got back my results today and i feel that i am so USELESS and HOPELESS. Yeah, i cried. To some of you, my results are good but to me, its like BULLSHIT. Maybe i got high expectation of myself? I wanted to get all A2 but in the end....? Hais... Post my results later. Hais. i told myself that mid-year must get all 70 and above if not i am really gonna give up on my studies. You see, no point continue studying when i get such HOPELESS results right? hais... sian... Next week is holidays le, I am so not going to spend my time playing and enjoying. I will use that time so concentrate on my studies and catch up whatever i am weak at.

A few days ago, something happened... hais... Not gonna talk about it. Some of you should know what happened. YOU totally destroyed my mood for that day till now. Forget it. I know i am USELESS and HOPELESS, can't even cope well with my studies yet i still want to bother this and that. WHATEVER. i am not gonna care about this thing anymore. You are no way to interfer into my life so stop whatever nonsense. I can only say, I DON'T GIVE A FUCKING DAMN.

Yesterday after swimming, went to eat with Sherlyn at playground. haha. and we ate melted chocolate. I eat until the whole mouth siol. so paiseh... haha... Holidays are meant for people to enjoy or should i say those in primary school and younger? you want to slack during holidays when you're in sec school? no way man, no even a single minute can be wasted. HAHA. i know i am being too exaggerate but its true right? :/ I won't change my mindset anymore.

I got A2 for science Miss Wong still not happy. Want me to get A1... whatever... i don't give a damn. i get 70 then happy liao... Nvm. Skip the studying and results part, later i cry again... I had been pondering for long... I kept asking myself "which is the real side of her? the good one or the bad one?" I got no mood to post any longer... Ohya, tomorrow i got NDP selection, needa go woodgrove sec school from 9am to 12.30pm. Can't sms, gonna miss you guys. haha... Of course i wanna get selected but i can't cope well with studies so get selected also no use, i can't study cause i will miss out every saturday. So tomorrow selection i well just anyhow do the drills, so i won't get selected. yipee(:

English - 61 (B4)
Chinese - 70 (A2)
Maths - 63 (B4)
Science - 74 (A2)
Geog - 55 (C6)
Hist - 56 (C5)
D nT - 78 (A1)
Art - 73 (A2)
I know my results suck alot.

Saturday, February 6, 2010 Y 10:56 AM

5 Feb 2010

morning reach school at 7am, its early... Normally i will reach at 7.15am or 7.20am... Sit at bb court to do history then at 7.10am, Sherlyn they all come... Nothing much happened, yesterday conference called with marcus and derrick, talked about some random stuffs then shared secrets...(: hanged at around 12am? haha... the talk was fun and entertaining, btw... Slept then morning almost can't get out of bed cause very tired then scared late so chiong but in the end still reach so early... School's boring nowadays... No more entertainments from her like last time... She got her friend then don't bother me, no friend then come talk to me... Like wth?

Stayed back , slacked in canteen with RNG2, winnie and yuhmeei. At 2.30pm, went to MRL cause want to check if Wong send us the thingy. She haven't send lor. wth... Went plurk, then Qianyi and Jane damn funny lor... Their plurks reply all will make people laugh de... Fianally i can't take it, went outside then go in again... At 3.20pm, they left then 3.30pm, me and yuhmeei left cause we meeting Sherlyn at 3.30pm... Went to shaw t then dance studio. Fianlly, canteen again. Not long after, Sherlyn came.. Supposed to go lot 1 but delay delay then rain, so Sherlyn called her father to come and fetch us there (Sherlyn, me, Reyna, Winnie and Yuhmeei) squeezed into a taxi... haha(: Reached lot 1, first, went to POLO to buy birthday cake for her mum then to toilet cause RNG2 needs go... Next, went to MYUK to buy Winnie;s birthday present...

Sherlyn went back home, RNG2 and Winnie went back to school while me and yuhmeei went to panjang to slack... Waiting for bus that time, i asked Qianyi a lot of random questions... haha(: Then Jane sms me ask if i want accompany her go bangkit buy things so i say okay lor... actually yuhmeei also going de but her mother called and ask her go home immediately so in the end me alone... Went home to out bag and stuffs then walked to bus stop to look for Jane cause she said she waiting for me at there... Walked there then initially i didn't saw her, somemore she was wearing red...-.-" Then don't know why will saw her... haha... I scare her that i forget bring ez-link card so ask her walk there... haha... took bus 190, alighted then went to buy the thing that she needs. Thereafter, we WALKED to bpp, it always seem far to me but idk why the road was like damn short today! haha... izzit bacause got people walk and talk with me? i don't know also... lols...Talked alot of things then like alot is related to Wong de... haha...

Went to look for Jane's headphone. We were in Harvey Norman then Jane was like telling meall the things she have at home that was bought from Harvey Norman... Lols, so random lor she... haha... Went popular then the PC shop... Found nothing that suits her...): Nvm... Walked to interchange then accompany her wait for 975 to go home... walk home after that... Reached home used com a while, do Science project... Then off com. At 10.30pm, derrick called me and we had conference call with marcus and yuhmeei... Actually wanted to conference JL in de but smsed her she didn't reply, guessed that she sleep le... It was so fun laaas, with Jane(: Thanks for your company!(:

6 Feb 2010

Today got chingay but didn't go cause i am not really feeling well some moreevery week is the same thing... BORED! so decided so skip 1 time... haha... Woke up at 9 + then slack on bed till 10 +, sms people... Jane going buy head phone then i at home bored bored, nothing to do so decided to tag along(: haha... Bathed. We meet at around 4pm then at 3pm, i fall asleep... Woke up then received Jane's message, walked to interchange to meet her. I reach first then waited for 176, bus-ed to bt batok, the gombak mrt station there... Went to look for her head phone, sadly don't have again... aiyo...

Sherlyn called me then we talked so i asked her any idea batok area where got sell head phone. She told me her house opposite so we went there to try our luck. Walked past Sherlyn's house then Jane shouted "DEH" , quite loud sia... haha... reached then didn't managed to find 1. Bus-ed to lot 1... Went popular then Courts that PC shop. Still can't find... She was hesitating which to buy... lols... she scared too big...Finally found 1 at popular after walking up and down just to find her headphone.the headphone costs her $21.90. So ex lor... She went to try then at 6pm, we went home... Reached home, no one at home then use com... Plurk then blog... haha...
thanks Jane for accompanying me again! haha(:
i got to go, bye, ciao!~

Monday, February 1, 2010 Y 10:32 AM

back. this few days a lot of things happening... friends break apart and friends quarrel... everything of last year are back again... sian... i seriously don't know what to do... I AM LIKE SO DAMN FUCKING STRESS EVERY DAY!!!!! homeworks, projects, powerpoints.... all sorts of nonsense come together... haiz... can anyone tell me what to do? i don't understand some topics, just feel that i am really stupid. i shouldn't even be in this world in the first place... haiz... i see people like relax relax, not stress but why i am? some people are like showing attitude... this post isn't going to be long cause i still got maths, history and chinese homework... ahhhh... went to read their blogs and plurks then found out that she is asking for forgiveness... O.o... Lol, why am i talking about this anw...? haha...

yesterday talk on msn with jane until i cried sia... i don't even know why... just got a kind of feeling on giving up on my studies... i don't know how to get promoted to sec 3 when i don't even understand what the teachers are teaching... i really afraid that i may drop to NA... people can understand but i just can't absorb into my brains... during chingay, i feel like jumping into the sea and end my life but i don't have the courage to do that... i wanna find someone to talk to, but who can i talk to? friends? i don't trust some of them and some of them don't keep secrets... i kept everything in my heart, don't dare to say out as i scared it will offend people.... if these continues, i am going go crazy sooner or later...

the starting of this year, everyone changed... all gossips start again... can't i just concentrate on my studies... haiz... i thought sec 2 will be totally different form sec 1 but i am wrong, very wrong... i thought people will be more mature but in the end? NO. zzz... i am sure that i never do anything wrong to her, but why did she keep staring at me??? i really wanna know why... i talk to my friends, she also want stare, like wth?... stare somemore, i dig out her eyes ar... haha!(:

Saturday, January 23, 2010 Y 1:31 PM

Went to Jurong East to buy my uniform then wonder at there for very long cause dunno how to go ma, first time... Actually today meeting Jane to play basketball de but she still got a lot of homwowrk and somemore i also not free so canceled lor... Sorry... Next time ba... After that went to panjang to buyRed Cross things then went Macs for dinner with neighbour...
Reach home slack slack then post my blog... haha...Ciao~~~

Friday, January 22, 2010 Y 12:16 PM

I'm back!, yeah again... Lols... n Thursday, stayed back in school with Sherlyn, Alphonsine, Winnie, Joanna and Yuhmeei at studay area and we talked to Bernice... Haha, so HAPPY siol... haha,lol... Haha. Then today, Even more HAPPY!!!!!!!!!!! I am SUPER SUPER SUPER HAPPY today manz... Haha, lols, just because of them!~ Talk about that later. In the morning, when I alighted the bus, I saw only Jane, Iylia was not there, I thought she will late. Went into school after Jane's friends reached. Waited for Iylia outside her classroom then she told me she forgotten to bring me boots... -.-" Walked back to classroom with Jane, her friends went back already.

Lessons and recess, nothing much happened, during Geography, everyone like want to sleep like that la... aiyo... Science lessons, Miss Wong never come, got relief teacher for first period, Ms Seet. Then next period, Mr Lim, we changed place then do our own things. Me and Yuhmeei discuss the Red Cross decoration. For the rest of the period, another Mr Lim came in. We had free period, me and Yuhmeei cotinue with our decoration while Sherlyn read her MrMidnight. After we finished, we got nothing to do so we scribble on paper and crushed it. Sherlyn bounced the paper then it accidentally drop at the teacher's leg there, Sherlyn don't dare to go pick it up then a while then she go... After she thrw the paper ball, she accidentally kicked the teacher's leg while walking back. Of course we laughed, the teacher also laugh lor... You know what?...Zhiyang go record down our names and pass it to Mdm Lye, say we made noise in class, we kena scolding la... I was like wtf??! Like this only also need to write reflection... ... sia

Thereafter, went to MRL with Iylia and Yuhmeei to meet Aveline to do Red Cross things but reach a while then Jane called me to ask me help her copy Chinese HW... I was like...erm...okay... If not what you want me to answer...? I won't say no de. My friends should know why.... Haha... Copy le then I went back to MRL to find Aveline while Jane they all go canteen for lunch...? I think so... Do a while then me and Yuhmeei went to canteen for lunch, saw Jane they all... Finished then went back to MRL to do... Do finish, I went to canteen to sack slack, a while Sherlyn came. Bought cup noodles then suddenly Joanna Nicole came and we started talking bad things about a girl... That girl damn what la...

Jane came, followed by Iylia... Then we started talking about another girl... More and more people at our table lor... Haha... Joanna May was there too...They keep joking then mke us laugh lor... haha, lolssss... Damn funny sia... Jane damn funny la, want isolate in a corner then she say very lonely so she came back... Then go isolate again and came back... Lols, funny siol her... She super super funny lor... Around 15 minutes later, Bernice and her friend came and join in... At 5pm, me and Sherlyn left, they leave also... Haha... Took Sherlyn's dad cab. Waved to them before boarding. Hmmm, haha, I alighted at opposite school bus-stop cause i wanted to see them, got motive de huh...haha... Waited for bus with Jane and Iylia. I board the bus first, their bus behind mine.

Reached home at 5.30pm and wanted to use comp to post my blog but my brother just on and he wnat to use so I let him use first... See, I so good to him... haha... I only saw Qianyi for like 10 minutes toaday but i was like rushing my History and reflection so...nvm... Still can see her de...:) Haha, LOL... Overall today I very happy, is they made me haooy de cause of the "session" after school in canteen with Jane, Joanna Nicole, Iylia, Bernice, Sherlyn and Joanna May... Haha... Thanks guys for making me so damn happy today... Much appreciated...(:

OKay, This post is kinda long, to me... So I think I shall stop here? tomorrow I going Jurong to buy uniform with my neighbour, hopefully got my size... haha

Got to go already... takecares guys..

Thursday, January 14, 2010 Y 1:19 PM

I'm back!!!!!!!!!! hAHA... i won't be posting so often already due to sec 2 work... sooooo much sia and a lot of group work....... Sian, i miss my sec 1 life, which is so damn slack lah. Lols... Exams come very fast, just like last year so i hope everyone i know esp them will study hard(: Wish that Jane, Qianyi, Joanna and Tessa will pass their 'N' levels with flying colours.

I very long time never sms and see them already. Kind of miss them siol!!! Haha... These few days only saw Aveline and Iylia... Some days back, someone told me something about HER then i was like want to cry but don't dare cause i scare paiseh ma. Haiz, i hope that that news is not the truth but the opposite. Anw, it will be my dream if that isn't true cause i heard that news a lot of times and i saw it with my own eyes already... Sad...

I think i shall stop here already as my project is waiting for me... Just came to randomly post to save my blog... Believe that some of you should have noticed the changes in my template ba... Got to go already! Bye(:
Loves♥, takecares.

Friday, January 8, 2010 Y 12:12 PM

Today wasn't a good day for me... Morning, Sherlyn's father came to fetch me and we went to school together. Reached at around 6.45am then slack. actually Sherlyn wants to give Ee Von present de but she didn't come find her... Lols. Waited for Yuhmeei to come then we went to basketball court to assemble.

Went back to class for silent reading then english period, did something on animal farm. The catholic students wasn't there... Then was MT period, boring, did worksheet but i think is the most slacking period lor... Hahas...

Then recess, went to find Anjana with Sherlyn to tell her that there is Red Cross training today cause never go will get green form so i tell her lor then in the end i got scolded by her. i was like KNNBCCB la, feel like asking her to FUCK OFF but i can't, later she complain to teacher. Sian... Was Geography after that... made me feel like wanna sleep during the period sia... Haha... Did reading? Think so, i was so tired till i can't concentrate...

Then Science, (Lab) did experiment. Was "fun" having Sherlyn as buddy for Science Lab. We were hilarious manzzz, play with the leaf until it was torn... Haha... Dismiss le then we went to toilet then to Shaw T cause Sherlyn needs to put her bag and give Ee Von present. Thereafter i went to stff room to find Mr Michael on my own, then head to canteen to look for Yuhmeei. At that time, i saw a lot of girls bullying a guy, i was like wtf?!

Lols. At 1.12pm, me, Yuhmeei and Winnie went to toilet as both of us need to change into mufti. Walked to Red Cross room. Put our bags then saw Qianyi inside. She told us to wear pe attire cause of, um... i forget liao... Did training then do skit preparation, told Iylia what happened then she wants to tell Miss Wong... Mr Lee expectation is to get 20 Sec 1s this year then okay lor, try lor...

Then perform the skit give Miss Wong see if can a not, can liao then she brief us. Iylia told heer about waht i told her then Miss Wong say she will deal with Anjana. Then went to take bags as dismiss liao, help Jane, Qianyi and Iylia take too. Went to canteen to find Winnie then went home together, actually they going to Hougang de but Yuhmeei last minute cannot so she went alone. After That jiu went home so, now herre posting.

Got to go, ciao~~~~~~~~!

Friday, January 1, 2010 Y 2:48 PM

hi guys((: today is a new year! Think all my friends enjoy their holidays? Haha... Thanks ah Sherlyn, for being by my side in 2009 when i am sad but sometimes you hurt me too... Like what you said, a new year, forgive and forget what happened in the past. hope we won't encounter all the problems we had in 2009 again...

Long time no post... My com break down so can't use. Now at my friend's house posting and it's almost midnight... Lols... I miss alt of people much much sia... 2 months never see them le... 2 more days and i get to see everyone i miss especially them!~ All i can say is i didn't had a wonderful holidays like last time... Some things happened which destroyed my mood totally and i just wanna that person to cheerupps... Sian... I feel like going school but also dun feel like going... Haha... My form teacher is Mdm Lye, who i dun even know is who...


Monday, December 14, 2009 Y 4:07 PM

I will be back to save my blog after my com is repaired! Now at my cousin house... Quite late le, CIAOS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

Wednesday, December 9, 2009 Y 3:50 PM

Morning woke up at 7am and went to prepare. At 7.30am, gave Jane morning call. Called the 4th time then she wake up, haha... Bathe and prepare all this then leave house at 8.30am... Waited at bus stop for Jane till 8.55am then she reached, with Bak Haw... Lols... Walked into school then saw Syamsiah WeiLing Aveline ZiFeng and WeeHong...

At 9.06am, went to staff room with Aveline to take the keys... Did first parade then hand over to Zifeng to conduct PT while Me Jane and Aveline went to Shaw T. there to call the others... The training was like damn slacky la...

Mus didn't came cause he overslept. George didn't came cause he went for fb training. Iylia didn't came cause she having fever. Qianyi didn't came cause she was overseas... Sian... So many of them never go training... ):

Training ended at 12pm then went to bus stop with Aveline... Went to Lot 1 for lunch together then went shop shop. She bought 1 piglet keychain... Actually she wanted to buy the baby eeyore but she not enough money... Haiz... If i bring enough money then i buy for her... Haha...

At around 2.30pm, went to bus stop together. She board the bus first.................... then i took 975 home....... Reached home jiu slack... Thereafter, i forgotten what i do le... Haha... I got sstm... Remember...?? LOls, haha... i end here le... byesssss!

Gtg. Bye.
God Bless You.[=

Monday, December 7, 2009 Y 3:12 PM

Woke up at 10am then saw Jane's message. Actually going her house at late morning de but postpone to afternoon 1pm cause not enough time... Lols... Went to wash up amd bathe, a while jiu head to her house with an empty stomach. Haha... While in the bus, i was smsing Jane. Lols.

Reach her house, it was drizzling then... Stayed at her house downstairs for like 5 minutes then i went up cause i dun dare to go up. Lols, haha... Reach her house at 1pm, started doing the training plan, followed by calling the rc members to inform them that there is training this Wed from 9am - 12pm.

The stupid kavita and anjana can't be contacted cause the numbers they gave got problrm de. Like wtFUCK la. Then call jean, ask her if she going not then she told me she quitting red cross... Retarded sia... Haha... Finished the training plan at around 3pm then Jane played maple.

I Stayed and watched her play till 4pm then i went home... anw, Jane's cousin damn cute luhs... Then when i walking to bus stop that time, got drain then i never saw cause i thinking things so i tripped and fall into the drain... Pain sia.. Reached home at 4.30pm, clean and wash my wound then sms Jane again... Haha... Hope my wound will heal ASAP... okay la, my brother want to use already. takecares guys, i miss you all...

I hate you to core, i promise i won't sms you again. Even if it is important, i will not ask you. I just won't diturb and sms you anymore. Sorry. I will try to forget you. Really, I mean it this time.... Even though it is very difficult for me... But i will still try...

Sunday, December 6, 2009 Y 2:45 PM

hihi, i'm back to post again... Lol... Woke up at 8plus jiu went to bathe and prepare cause i going out with family... Leave house at around 11am, head yo Yio Chu Kang de Grassroot Club. Reach there around 12pm... Lunch at there, i keep smsing Jane about the training plan thingy cause Monday need to send to Miss Wong le...

Stayed until 2.30pm then went to Orchard to shop shop... Went to taka to buy pooh. Haha... Bought 6 poohs in total, $50plus... Wanted to look for Qianyi but can't find her... Nvm... Shop shop walk walk till 7pm, after that went back to panjang KFC for dinner. Lol...

Thereafter, they went to buy things but i head home first cause i needed to use comp urgently for the training plan. Reached home jiu chiong to bathe then on comp, ask Jane to on comp then sent her the contact list for her to update... Chatted with her and George on MSN... Jane told me to go her to go her house tomorrow to do the training plan so i agreed... Like that then she offline le... Not long after, my parents they all come home le so i off the comp liao...

After that i then sms Jane about tomorrow, sms till 10plus then stop le. At around 12midnight, Jane sms me to ask me sleep le ma but i didn't saw her message until 2am then saw cause i was watching tv... Haha... Then i reply her but i think she sleep liao lor... So i went to sleep...

Gtg. Bye.
God Bless You.[=

Thursday, December 3, 2009 Y 2:35 PM

Morning wake up jiu received a message from Jane... lols, haha. Replied her then went to wash up and on comp, went to bogger to post and save my blog... I asked Jane to online but she told me later on so i went to facebook first... Play a while then sms her again then she told me she playing maple so i was like later you online i offline already ah...

A few minutes after, Jane online le... Chatted with her for a while then i offline liao as i had already used for a long time... For around half and hour after, Jane sms me then we started smsing till like 3plus then i went to take my lunch followed by my medicine. Not long after, i fall asleep... lols, haha... I wake up le then sms Jane and found out that we woke up at the same time... Haha...

Then i slack on my bed while smsing Jane... At 7pm, went to take my dinner then watch tv till 8pm and went to Jie's house till 11pm. Thereafter jiu went home, bathe then watch tv while smsing Jane... We sms until 1am then went to sleep. Haha... Nth else to post le.

Gtg. Bye.
God Bless You.[=

Wednesday, December 2, 2009 Y 5:11 AM

Today, woke up at 7plus and went to sleep again until 9plus cause i was tired and not feeling well. Had breakfast then went to bathe and prepare. At around 10.20am, walked to interchange for bus 975. Reached lot 1 at 10.48am and waited quite a long time for Sherlyn. First, we went to Gift A Name then myuk to buy Bernice and Ee Von's birthday presentsss. Next, we went to eat, At around 12.10pm, went to taxi stand for taxi as we didn't had much time lefet. Reached school at 12.27pm and we quickly went to studyarea. There were no one, so we went to canteen after that to studyarea again. Did AAR, my group only 5 people came, pathetic. Finished, went to "1/2 area" to look for Winnie then the 3 of us went to bus-stop. When i reach, 176 just arrived. Goog timing. lols, haha.

Went to panjang to see doctor then went home at around 2plus to 3pm, took medicine then a whil i fell asleep... I sleep till 7plus, then had dinner and slack. After That went to community centre till like 9pm then went to plaza ma and eat jiu go home liao... Stone down there nothing to do then jiu sms Jane lor...Watch tv till like 1am then Jane is play com till 1am... Hahah... Thereafter, lie on my bed and sms Jane, both of us like sufferring from Insomia like that, everynight cannot sleep de... lols... Sms her half- way then she fall asleep le... haha... Okay lah, my brother want to use already. takecares peepos:)

Gtg. Bye.
God Bless You.[=

Tuesday, December 1, 2009 Y 5:03 AM

hihihi! Yesterday didn't managed to watch 2012as it was fully booked so watched Christmas Carol.... Wake up at 9plus then prepare cause accompanying my cousin to her sec school open house... Then reporting time is 11.45am. After her open house, went to buy drinks then saw Joanna and Bernice seniors at canteen. Thereafter went to take bus 963 and went to plaza to walk walk... Reached home t 5plus then slacked and talk to cousin, not long after, i fell asleep in the living room, a while then went to my room to take a rest as i was not feeling well. Having blocked nose, sore throat, cough and stomach ache. Pathetic... Woke up at 8pm, went to bathe then watched tv programme a while till 9pm, head to bukit batok with mum and cousins. In bus i was like want vomit like that, super uncomfortable sia... Went home the reached home at around 12midnight. I slept at 1plus to 2am then. ...end...

Gtg. Bye.
God Bless You.[=

Monday, November 30, 2009 Y 4:38 AM

hi, i'm back to post again. 8 days never post already... LTC was fun and enjoyable. I want the camp to be longer... lol, haha. At first i was like very exhausted and don't feel like going de. The first day and the first activity then i cry already. Don't talk about it le. Then games, half way i stomach ache so didn't played some. At night, we had night walk, super exciting and fun luhhs... Second day, we learnt the dance steps for leaders' night. After that had amazing race, it was fun and cool... Ended at around 5plus... At night, it was leaders' night le, people were well-dressed... Soon, the night ended. Washed up and went to sleep.

Third day, did boring stuffs and the camp ended... Thereafter, went to look for Jane Iylia and Mus and help them bring things back to red cross room. After that, Sock Wei came and we started playing water bombs. Haha... I didn't get wet. Jane, Sock Wei and Mus went to change then something happened. After i heard that, i had a kind of feeling that i hate her, super hate her, i don't know why... Haiz... Went to bus-stop with Jane, Iylia, Sock Wei and Mus. Took the same bus as Jane and Mus. Then went to plaza mac to eat while Jane went to interchange to change to bus 975 and Mus went home. Went home, unpacked stuffs then bathe and went to sleep...

On the 26th Nov, got 1/2 clas gathering. Meet Sherlyn then went to panjang for our lunch while waiting for Yuhmeei. Reached lot 1 then went to look for the rest and slacked and played arcade till 3.10pm, went in to watch New Moon. Suddenly my phone vibrate, it was Jane was sms me... lol, haha... The movie is nice luhhs. Then these few days after LTC, i did nth but only slack at home... Didn't get to use comp so often as my brothers keep using... Later at night going to watch 2012. Actually i asked Jane if she want watch a not but she say dunno then nvm lor... I want 9th dec to come faster but also want it to come slower... Haha... Wednesday got LTC AAR thingy, meeting Sherlyn for breakfast. Btw, i won't pick up any calls or reply any messages unless it is important, don;t ask me why... Feeling super down now, just hope someone can be my listening ear...

Gtg. Bye.
God Bless You. [=

Sunday, November 22, 2009 Y 3:51 AM

I am back to post after a long week of MIA. Haha. I love this red cross camp. There is great things in this camp and also bad things but most are good things... Alot of people fall sick during the camp and went home, sad. I lazy to type so long so cut short. Overall it is super fun luhhs...

Yesterday, woke up at 6.30am and went to bathe then prepare to go to school for open house. Meet Yuhmeei at bus stop then ask her help me carry things. Reached school at 7.50am then went to staff room to look for Miss Wong as she asked me to. I called her then she told me that she is still at home then i was like wtf... you ask us to reach at 8am sia... Lol.. Took red cross room keys then went with Aveline and Yuhmeei while Jane and Qianyi went for St. Gabriel donation thingy... A while later, Iylia came then blahblahblah... Prepare things for open house then not enough people so Miss Wong called Jane and Qianyi to come back and help out. I fall sick, like wth la. Everything ended at 2plus to 3pm... Then pack up and celebrate Jane's birthday.

Saw a girl then i saw like thinking will she join Red Cross, if she join, i first one to quite and join another CCA ah... Haha... Not only i said that lo, alot of people say also, even Johnathan sir say he next year don't want come already. Funny. Then stayed in school till 6plus to help out with Jane, Iylia and Mus. Persuaded Miss Wong to let them come and help out during LTC and she agreed. YAY! hahah, lols... then i won't be so freaking bored le. But they only day camp, sadsadsad...*sobs* If they can overnight, then it will be so great lo... Went home with Jane, Iylia and Mus. The 3 of us went opposite except Iylia then we saw her talking to a guy then Jane told her that she no friend find friend, haha. Took bus 970 home. Reached home bathe then K.O. on my bed already cause i super tired.


Woke up at 9plus then wished Jane Happy Birthday. Lols. Then wash up and eat after that on comp already... I think i need to struggle throughout the LTC, exhausted le... Scared later half way faint... Haha... Later still need to go BPP to help Sherlyn buy shoe bag despite my tireness... Haiz... Just hope that everything ends quickly. Luckily i didn't sign the consent form for the Bintan camp, if not you all maybe cannot see me le... Okay la, i want to rest, very tired, just come back to save the blog only.

Gtg. Bye.
God Bless You.[:

Thursday, November 12, 2009 Y 12:13 PM

HELLO PEEPOS!~ hahah... Today morning woke up at 5plus to reply people's message then went to bathe and prepare all this... At around 7.35am left house. Bus-ed down to Lot 1 to meet Sherlyn. Reached there, i sms her, she didn't reply, call her, her phone was off... Then went walking around to look for her. Finally found her then we went to MAC for breakfast. Finished at around 8.39am then walked to interchange, received a message from Yuhmeei that she still at home, going to be late soon. So Sherlyn decided to take taxi to her house to fetch her before going to school together. In the taxi, i was trying to tie my hair, super difficult. Then finally okay.

Reached school, the amount was $8.90... Woah!~ hahah... Then saw Joanna and Janille. We alighted then walked to cupola with Joanna. Before going there, i went to toilet to tidy up my hair then went there. Then we started talking craps and soon, it was 9.06am and almost everyone reached...? Don't really know... Then the instructors started calling out people names and Me Yuhmeei and Sherlyn thought they changed our groups again, but in the end, they did not change. Split into different groups so got to say byebye to each others.

Discuss our group product among each other - group members then my group like dead dead de, only vanessa gave suggestions. "Bob" was super hyper that day but today he also dead dead de. Hahah... Discuss discuss discuss then the planners called all the instructors to gather then we started discussing, don't know where "Bob" and Joel go where la... A while the instructors came back then the group became quiet again... LOLs. Gave ideas then everyone need to gather then played 'bomb game'. Surprising, no one bomb group 8, only kena bomb 2 or 3 times nya... hahah... Those lose de group need to do forfeit - chicken dance. LOLs. After that played a game, but i forget what that game called. After that, discuss again for about 10mins then can go already. Dismissed at 12plus if i am not wrong.

Went to take taxi with Sherlyn and Yuhmeei cause we going to Sherlyn's house to take her warranty card cause she wants to repair her phone. After she changed, went to 324 coffee shop for lunch. Sherlyn blan us. Good right? hahah. Finished then went to her house again cause she forget to bring out her warranty card. Blur sotong ar... hahah. Took 188 to IMM then walk to a building but don't know what name, it is at the 7th storey. Reached then i took the Q number and wait but kinda fast. Ohya, Sherlyn's phone was hospitalized again, poor thing. Hope her phone get well soon:D:D
Thereafter, went to IMM cause Sherlyn wanted to buy a new pair of slippers but...ahem, she didn't buy as before that, she went to play the toy machine? Don't know what it calls la. Total she spent $34 but only got 2 tortoises and another 2 toys... PATHETIC!!! I spent $1 then got 1 tortoise and i care bear liao... hahah...

Then she broke le, so can't buy slippers... muahahahah... Then she said i got her addicted... -.-" lame la... hahah... Then took 188 and bus-ed back to Sherlyn's house. On the bus that time super funny sia... We went to Sherlyn's house cause she needs Yuhmeei's phone to exercise... The 3 pf us exercise-dd too!~ LOLs. Both of us went home at arounf4.14pm then i can't walk cause squat down and stand up too many times already, then my legs like jelly like that... Took 187 then, went to plaza to find mummy then had MACS jiu went home already. Reached home jiu on comp le!~ hahah...

Today is 12 Nov, i am counting down...9 more days and 10 more days! Oh shit!~ I haven't buy birthday present! OMG! Die! Who can accompany me go buy?... PLease... hahah... okay la, very long already... So i shall stop here le.!~

Gtg. Bye
God Bless You.[=

Wednesday, November 11, 2009 Y 2:50 AM

I am back to post after 1 week and 1 day... it is long... Woke up at 6plus, wanted to use comp but daddy sleeping... sian... Then went to sleep again, woke up at 9am, went to prepare then head down to AES... Bought my books for next year... Total $116.05... Then got some no stock, need to wait till 5 dec... Yesterday was really fun with yuhmeei and ... , reached home at around 5pm...

Just now after buying books, took my phone to hospital for operation... Poor thing... Haiz... Wanted to post about yesterday but lazy cause i can confirm it is going to be super long de and i saved it in my handphone so can't post now... Haiz... I want to go out with them again... It is fun... hahah... Okay la... Phone not with me also no mood... Just a short post to save my dead blog... People, please tag!![=

Gtg. Bye.
God Bless You.[=

Tuesday, November 3, 2009 Y 8:08 AM

hey guys~! now currently at cousin's house blogging... hahah, using her lappy. How i wish i can have lappy... :) Holidays so bored, at home nothing to do... Only can sit in front of the comp and stare at it like retarded... hahah... Morning wooke up at 6.45am the prepare and bring bro to school as usual... Reached home at around 7.25am. Use comp till like 9plus then went to bathe and prepare cause going causeway point with mum...

Actually decided to go school find Mei and go her house together... But last minuute i can't. Sorry ar Mei... Walked to Petir there took 963 then went to CDC first after that went to Swensens for lunch... Yum yum... Total spent $40.35... It was around 1plus then... Went shop shop for a while then walked to interchange to take 187 here... Reached at around 2plus...

Stayed at the balcony for like half an hour cause i scared of their dogs... Stupid dogs sia... hahah.. then a while take her lappy to balcony to use... A while no batt liao so went to the master bed room to charge... Now inside the master bed room using, got air-con somemore... muahahahah... Nowadays so many people need money... My seniors need, my friends need, my family also need... I ALSO NEED AR!!!!!!!!!!!! hahah... Lend wo money... then i will be very grateful to you already(: muacksz!...

Just now Mei very random, ask me i hate her izit, then i was like why would i hate her sia, somemore for no reason... Mr Low told me that Mei is very sad but idk how to cheer her up sia... Tomorrow got RED CROSS! yipee! Can see my seniors le! hooray! hahah, i know i a bit retarded... I doubt there is anything else for me to type le...

Mei, cheer up kay? don't sadsad de, be happy!(: You don't need them, CARIN will protect ARENA! muacksz!(: you sad i sad!:(

Gtg. Bye.
God Bless You.[=


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Carin Lim Jie Xin,
born on 26 March 1996,
currently studying in Assumption English School


5 Wonderful Seniors
beloved gans :>
Playing Badminton




MYE get 65 above
THEY pass 'N' levels
New Sling Bag
More Freedom
Better Relationship




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class 1/2
Bernice Senior
Clarice Senior
Jane Senior
Joanna Nicole Senior
Qianyi Senior
Arena Mei
Edmund Korr



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